If you dont know, you are not alone. I went out with my long time friends Sarah and Aubrey for Sushi - and on the menu was a Bento box. We were all so intrigued that the first thing we asked was "what is a Bento box?" Unfortunatly for us, it was hard to understand the woman who tried to explain it to us so it ended in us histarically laughing (which doesnt take much for this trio). Luckily, though, a nice young kid who also worked there clarified exactly what it was for us. Its a traditional japanese lunch box. It came with the main dish, rice, 4 sushi rolls, salad, egg rolls and won tons. Sold we'll take it. It was just ok, but the company, conversation, and laughs were all amazing. I honestly dont know two funnier people - we could laugh about nothing (and do). Most of our memories are pretty much "you had to be there" types of deals...but someday I will pull out some old pictures...mostly of our "riesen" days...just for old times sake!! For now heres a picture from our sushi date!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
moon river
In case anyone is wondering how I landed on this background, you can rest assured that it was carefully selected. When I was little my dad used to sing "moon river" all.the.time. So when I saw a background titled "moon river" I knew she had to be mine! See I told you it was "carefully" selected :).
I've never even mentioned all may dads "qoutes" someday ill get around to that. There is a lot...he's a funny guy!
I've never even mentioned all may dads "qoutes" someday ill get around to that. There is a lot...he's a funny guy!
How is it possible...
That my little girl could possibly be turning 4 in a week!!! I truly can not believe it!!
She went from this...

To this!!
and this...
She is just awesome, and I thank my lucky stars everyday that I have her has my daughter. She is just amazing!!
House Progress
The house currently has a roof, windows, the framing is done, the heating/air is roughed in, the plumbing is roughed in, some siding is done...next we will pour the garage floor, get the sewer and water in, finish all the roughins and then start drywalling!! I cant believe how fast it has gone...so far!
To the right, you will see our super awesome friendly neighbor (and in the spirit of bringing this saying back) NOT!! The guy is a jerk...my top strength, according the gallup strengths finder is WOO - winning others over, heres to hoping to I can find some strength deep down to win this guy over. I have a feeling it will be a tough job, but I do have a lot of determination in me!
Entry way
View from the laundry room
Overlooking the dining room
The stairs/hallway
Our master bathroom...with the whirlpool in place
Overlooking the kitchen

A view of the can lights/plumbing in the hallway
A view of the back...this will not be the siding color...its just primed right now
A view of the covered patio
And this is my favorite picture, while stumbling outside to take some photos I came across this little fellow. Poor guy has probably been burried for some time out here, just waiting to be discovered. Yes, its a golf ball - likely leftover from the golf course that once inhabited this location. Bettys back nine used to reside right where our future residence will be.
I want to go see Coley!!
Yesterday was aunt Coleys birthday, and Cade really wanted to see her. He stood at the door saying "Go Coley"...it was so sad and cute at the same time!
Its a flashback for me
When I was little my dad used to always bring me to the jobsite. We would stop and get a doughnut and then he would let me help. Mostly I would be in charge of the plumbers putty...in otherwords I played with putty to stay out of his way :)! Yesterday really brought me back to those days. Kyle has been working a lot on our new house and so I brought Camdyn over there to see him. He let her do the primer and glue for the PVC...and she thought it was the neatest thing ever. I almost couldnt get her to leave. I think it is so awesome when a dad can teach their daughter these types of things - and it makes me love Kyle even more when I see them together! If only I could help him out...but someone has to watch the kids...especially to make sure Cade doesnt fall down the stairs!!
Just dance
This game never stops providing entertainment. Gotta love it!
and just a quick picture of Cade sleeping on Uncle Mike!
make believe
Sometimes dont you wish you could go back to a simpiler time - when entertaiment only consisted of sitting in a laundry basket and reading books. So fun!
Nothing a little popcorn cant fix
What do you do a day after your son is diagnosed with Croup? You pop a couple bags of popcorn, snuggle up on the couch and watch a movie. It was a great day!!
Have you ever heard a seal bark?
I have...and my son is a good imitator. Unfortunatly, not in a good way!
Approximatly 11 o'clock on a Saturday night we heard what can only be described as a seal barking...but it was coming from the baby monitor. I listened in shock, wondering what it could be. I wasnt sure if Cade was vomiting or if he was just uncontrollably crying. Somehowpanic mothers instinct kicked in real fast and I sprinted into his room. I found him struggling to breath, to the point that I had no idea what to do. I quickly pulled out the nebulizer and the medicine that I had left from his two RSV stints. I began the breathing treament as I called the Dr. The nurse on the line, while being very helpful, was making me even more nervous. She could hear his breathing, and she just kept repeating "if you dont get it under control in 10 minutes you have to take him to the emergency room". A mothers worst nightmare. I did not want to endure another 10 minutes of this...but I also didnt want to be the mom who rushes her kid to the hospital every time he sneezes. I followed her instructions by continuing his breathing treatment in the bathroom with the shower on and the door shut. By this time, for any of you that know me, know that I was panicking and about having an anxiety attack. Finally the nurse gave us instructions to take Cade to the hospital as his breathing was just getting worse (because he couldnt calm down - who could blame him...he was scared and I was shoving a tube in his face with medicine coming out). So we loaded him up in the car, all the while staring back at him - to make sure he was getting enough oxygen. Luckiy for us though, the cold air from outside had made his breathing a little better and it was a little less scary. Although he wouldnt smile and was definitly still not doing well. We finally made the hour 10 minute drive the hospital (longest 10 minutes ever) and brought him inside. The Dr. came in and immediatly diagnosed him with croup (the seal cough is a sure sign of this). They gave him another breathing treatment - this time of epinephrine (adrenaline) - and some oral steroids. Seriously within 10-15 minutes he was back to his old self, he asked us to turn on basketball (on TV) and he watched that smiling as we waited to be discharged. We drove home, happy to have that behind us...but of course I couldnt sleep that night and I still get nervous that it will happen again. It is so scary to have no control of a situation, especially when it relates to your child.

Approximatly 11 o'clock on a Saturday night we heard what can only be described as a seal barking...but it was coming from the baby monitor. I listened in shock, wondering what it could be. I wasnt sure if Cade was vomiting or if he was just uncontrollably crying. Somehow
Here is Cade waiting for the breathing treatment

The next morning Cade had two very puffy eyes
That later turned into two black eyes...poor guy
To view my previous posts on wordpress
visit here...old blog. There are many informative posts there :)
Im baa - ack!
After a few weeks on wordpress I finally decided that I am not a fan!! Its harder to use, I cant "follow" anyone and its harder to "follow" me. Sooo Im back on blogspot!! I will keep up on this one, I dreaded getting on the wordpress one...so I never wanted to post. So for those of you who are thinking of switching...dont!
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