If there is one thing comforting about Camdyn starting Kindergarten it is these ladies (plus 5 others that we are missing). It felt so good to walk into kindergarten roundup and have a familiar face at almost every table. Sure that comes from being from Northeast Lincoln, but it also comes from meeting all these women through Camdyn. During this past year I started meeting different people through all of the activities that Camdyn was doing. Dance, Soccer, T-ball and of course school. I was keeping in touch with some of these ladies individually (since many of them didnt know each other) when I realized that I should be including them all as a group so we could all get to know everyone at once! So I started an email chain titled "Kahoa Moms". And the rest is history! A little rundown of everyone, and how I met them...
Renee - Camdyn and Morgan (Renees daughter) were in dance together two years ago. We immediatly became friends, and have remained friends since.
Lindsey - I actually originally met her through Renee at a girls night out, but then her triplets were in Camdyns class at Faith. One day Camdyn told me her boyfriend was Carter. It turns out Lindsey was his mom!
Sara - I signed up to be Camdyns Tball coach with Renee, and without even realizing it Sara came up to me at the lunch and lyrics concert at Faith to ask me if I was Camdyns mom who was coaching the Gators. She wanted to know if I needed any help! So sweet - and her daughter is now in Camdyns class this summer at Faith.
Heather - She is another mom at Faith, who had the same work schedule as me so we were always dropping off and picking up our kids at the same time - this meant we were always making small talk. It wasnt long after we met, that we knew we needed to get together outside of pickup times too!
This is the type of night that you get there at 7pm and dont leave until 11pm...on a Wednesday!!
missing is -
Kaydee - who is my Zumba teacher and also has a son going to Kahoa next year
Jill - who is a neighbor down the street with a daughter in Camdyns class (and will play on the Gators tball team) and another daughter in Cades class!
Lisa - She has a daughter in Camdyns class at Faith and will also go to Kahoa as well.
Tori - who I started Kahoa with many many years ago, has the daughter Emma who goes to Faith and also played Soccer with Camdyn and will play Tball on the Gators team
Clare - Camdyn and Lexi started dance together two years ago - and became very close.
It is going to be a great year next year!! Nothing is better then finding this many women who have so much in common with you - and live right in your neighborhood with kids your kids' age. So thankful!!