Monday, January 23, 2012

Car situation

Back in September we finally got a vehicle that I was so excited about.  I have had more cars then I can even remember in my life...thanks to my Grandpa being in the car business, but I have never had one that I just LOVED driving.  In fact, I really hadnt had a vehicle that I picked out, in the color I wanted or the model wanted.  Each vehicle was just one that I came across and it was the right price at the right time.  Dont get me wrong I have liked every vehicle (except the green machine...those of you from high school will know what Im talking about...tragic!) but they were just cars.  Then in September of this year we found this beauty.  It was exactly what we were looking for with all the equipment we were looking for.  The perfect car you could say right?... 
WRONG!  The perfect car by beauty standards yes, but certainly not by safety standards.  Unless you like stalling in the middle of a street that goes 50mph with your precious cargo (the kids) in the car.  On that day we were flipped off for stopping in the middle of the road, and almost rear ended.  It got a little scary, and obviously a little ridiculous...especially when I took over the steering and Kyle pushed us to safety in a parking lot (the hazard's wouldn't even work because the battery was so dead).  Unfortunately this was the final straw (among many straws in the form of 5 visits to the dealership prior).  The vehicle was towed to the dealership and we then began the battle of deciding what to do.  After a long battle with the dealership of whether or not they would fix it or we would pay to fix it ($4500 - and we only owned it for 3 months) we concluded that too many things were wrong with the car and we were now on the mission of finding a new vehicle.  Tear. 

So on Thursday I went to the dealership, after a night of 4 hours sleep (another post to describe), with my negotiating mind set and spent a long long 6 hours (no drink or food mind you) arguing my point.  Clearly all the leaks on the vehicle did NOT happen in 3 months.  I even pulled in my amazing Grandpa for reinforcement - who by the way has taught me a lot about negotiating.  I held my own until I felt like the deal was fair.  Signed paperwork and left.  At 9:30pm I had a revelation and had to take another look at that paperwork.  Wow they charged me 5k more then we discussed.  They were messing with the wrong girl.  I marched back in the next day, paperwork in hand, walked right up to the cocky guy and said "Is this the deal we discussed".  All the while holding Kyle back.  He doesnt do well in negotiating situations, especially when he feels like someone mistreated his wife.  Long story short, we spent another 3 HOURS at the dealership playing the game.  "Here is what we can offer you" "Nope not gonna happen (while standing up)".  Finally we get back to the original deal, also got them to pay for our sales tax, got them to pay for Headrest DVD's, and got a 3 year warranty.  I got the butterflies in the stomach and knew we were finally getting a good deal.  And while I feel as though we did get a good deal, I am not going to mention the dealer.  It was a bad ordeal, and we had to work hard to get that deal.  Im glad its over and I dont ever want to buy a car again!!  But enough is the beauty we got.  It doesnt get me quite as excited as our Denali did looks wise, BUT I feel safer in it - and after this week...that is the most important thing EVER!!  It was the best lesson I have ever learned in life - its like the old saying "Never judge a book by its cover" 

I should also mention the gas mileage is way better, so we will be leaving less of a carbon footprint...and surprisingly enough the vehicle seems roomier then the Denali and has all the same amenities that the Denali did plus some - like the Dual DVD players and dual sunroofs.

Also I will say that it was a great bonding experience with me and my Grandpa - I have a lot more of his personality in me then I thought, and I think I surprised him too :)!

1 comment:

  1. It does look just like mine....but nicer :) Maybe because it is silver and the body is similar!
