Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Cades quotes

The other day Lindsey and I were outside talking while our kids were playing.  Camdyn was with the triplets which sort of left Cade feeling left out.  Clearly this made him feel like he had something to prove.  I have taught him that he can not cross the street alone, and typically he is freaked out by the street.  To the point that even when I make it to the other side he will make me come back to take his hand.  So whole Lindsey and I are talking I see Cade inching closer to the street.  I told him to get back because he was going to get hit by a car, and then turn back to Lindsey - knowing that I have a very precautious kid on my hands who wont cross alone.  All of a sudden I see him across the street and he looks at me with proud eyes and says "And thats how you do it".  Lindsey and I could not help but laugh...I pulled myself together quick enough to scold him and explain how dangerous that was.  I hope I got that through to him...scares the crap out of me, that kid!!

Tonight I decide to take a bath, and of course Cade sneaks his way in (which is pretty standard) and says "We need two apple juices please".  I about died, it was like I was his waitress.  I asked him who the two were for and he said "dont be silly mom, its for Camdyn and I".  Lol, so funny!!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

love jodi

Camping with the langs is so much fun!

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Thursday, June 14, 2012

hanging with sobotkas!

Last night Camdyn and I went over to the Sobotkas for a night out. Renee and I discussed game plan for Saturdays game and then let the kids play tball for some practice. All was going great...until all the crazy stuff started happening. Thia included me falling backwards off their patio chair...I literally leaned back too far!! Awkward! Then I saw a "mouse" running through their house. This turned out to be that their gerbal got loose, so renee and Matt scrambled to Chase and trap it (funniest thing I have seen in awhile) to get it back in the cage. Then camdyn and Morgan got busted tying to trap under morgans bed, lol...the funny part was that Matt ok'd this activity :). I swore after these events we would never be invited back over...but alas we still had a great time. The kids caught lightening bugs, then watched some cartoons to round out the night. We didn't leave until after 11 on a Tuesday night! Anyone who knows me, knows I love me some sleep. So if I stay out past 10, it must be a good night :

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Sunday, June 3, 2012

My crazy Sunday

I should have known at 3AM that my Sunday was going to be interesting.  At 3AM I was awakened by giggling.  The laughter of a 5 year old and a 6 year old.  Yes Camdyn and Gracie thought it would be a great idea to stay up and do arts and crafts until the wee hours of the morning.  This was actually surprising because these two are usually the first to fall asleep.  But not this night, this night they could not close their eyes because they were having too much fun.  Honestly I didnt even get mad at first knowing that I would be dealing with a overtired little girl the next day, my first though was that these two were just making memories that will last forever.  My second thought, of course, was that these two needed to get some sleep or they would both be monsters the next day :). 

Of course when I woke up at 8 AM (5 short hours later), I had two sleepy heads on my hands.  Luckily only one of them was my responsibility the next day (sorry Renae :)).  Anyhow, that was only how my day started.  Usually you think "my day can only go up from here"...I can tell you first hand that my day did not go up from there.  Instead while I was walking out of Ace Harware (I actually parked in front of Ben Franklins...which turns out was another bad idea...because Ace Hardware has security cameras that end right before my parking spot (great luck)) I notice that my car has been hit.  Yes there is a dent on the front bumper and some chrome chipped from the front of our vehicle.  Clearly someone backed up into it - and then you guessed it drove off.  So I went back into the Ace to be told that their security cameras didnt pick it up.  I called the non-emergency line for Lincoln Police and then sat and waited to basically be told there is nothing they can do about it. So now I get to pay for someone elses mistake.  Lovely.  On the bright side, atleast I found my registration and insurance slip...that would have sucked to call the police yourself...and then you getting a ticket! 

Later in the day, I get a text from my good friend Jodi who wants to get a pedicure.  This sounded amazing after the morning I had.  What could go wrong with a pedicure, right?  Ill tell you what can go wrong.  You can get sprayed right in the side with the hose that is attached to the persons pedicure chair next to you.  Soaked to the skin actually.  I was in a water fight that I didnt sign up for with no ammo.  The lady who shot me was lucky I didnt retaliate :)!!  I guess if I want to look at the bright side, atleast I wasnt wearing white. 

Lastly, I went home to work on a table that I bought and to spray paint some lamps.  Clearly I blocked out the fact that I had just gotten a pedicure...and I scrapped both big toes on the cement - rubbing off the polish.  Awesome. 

The thing is, life could be so much worse.  But man, Sunday was an interesting day for sure!! 


Pinned Image
This quote is perfect for this post.  I honestly have the best cousins around, I am so lucky to not only have amazing first cousins...but all the way down to very extended cousins.  So I want nothing more then my kids to have the same thing and I have no doubt in my mind that these kiddos will be friends for life...not just cousins.  They love each other so much and have such a great time together.  (of course we are missing a couple here!) 

Silly faces

Arts and crafts time!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

best buds!

Cades best friend in school.  Eli!

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