The other day Lindsey and I were outside talking while our kids were playing. Camdyn was with the triplets which sort of left Cade feeling left out. Clearly this made him feel like he had something to prove. I have taught him that he can not cross the street alone, and typically he is freaked out by the street. To the point that even when I make it to the other side he will make me come back to take his hand. So whole Lindsey and I are talking I see Cade inching closer to the street. I told him to get back because he was going to get hit by a car, and then turn back to Lindsey - knowing that I have a very precautious kid on my hands who wont cross alone. All of a sudden I see him across the street and he looks at me with proud eyes and says "And thats how you do it". Lindsey and I could not help but laugh...I pulled myself together quick enough to scold him and explain how dangerous that was. I hope I got that through to him...scares the crap out of me, that kid!!
Tonight I decide to take a bath, and of course Cade sneaks his way in (which is pretty standard) and says "We need two apple juices please". I about died, it was like I was his waitress. I asked him who the two were for and he said "dont be silly mom, its for Camdyn and I". Lol, so funny!!
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