Thursday, May 31, 2012

Kahoa moms girls night!

If there is one thing comforting about Camdyn starting Kindergarten it is these ladies (plus 5 others that we are missing).  It felt so good to walk into kindergarten roundup and have a familiar face at almost every table.  Sure that comes from being from Northeast Lincoln, but it also comes from meeting all these women through Camdyn.  During this past year I started meeting different people through all of the activities that Camdyn was doing.  Dance, Soccer, T-ball and of course school.  I was keeping in touch with some of these ladies individually (since many of them didnt know each other) when I realized that I should be including them all as a group so we could all get to know everyone at once!  So I started an email chain titled "Kahoa Moms".  And the rest is history!  A little rundown of everyone, and how I met them...

Renee - Camdyn and Morgan (Renees daughter) were in dance together two years ago.  We immediatly became friends, and have remained friends since.

Lindsey - I actually originally met her through Renee at a girls night out, but then her triplets were in Camdyns class at Faith.  One day Camdyn told me her boyfriend was Carter.  It turns out Lindsey was his mom!

Sara - I signed up to be Camdyns Tball coach with Renee, and without even realizing it Sara came up to me at the lunch and lyrics concert at Faith to ask me if I was Camdyns mom who was coaching the Gators.  She wanted to know if I needed any help!  So sweet - and her daughter is now in Camdyns class this summer at Faith.

Heather - She is another mom at Faith, who had the same work schedule as me so we were always dropping off and picking up our kids at the same time - this meant we were always making small talk.  It wasnt long after we met, that we knew we needed to get together outside of pickup times too! 

This is the type of night that you get there at 7pm and dont leave until 11pm...on a Wednesday!!  

missing is -
Kaydee - who is my Zumba teacher and also has a son going to Kahoa next year
Jill - who is a neighbor down the street with a daughter in Camdyns class (and will play on the Gators tball team) and another daughter in Cades class!
Lisa - She has a daughter in Camdyns class at Faith and will also go to Kahoa as well.
Tori - who I started Kahoa with many many years ago, has the daughter Emma who goes to Faith and also played Soccer with Camdyn and will play Tball on the Gators team
Clare - Camdyn and Lexi started dance together two years ago - and became very close.

It is going to be a great year next year!!  Nothing is better then finding this many women who have so much in common with you - and live right in your neighborhood with kids your kids' age.  So thankful!!

Hanging with the Lang's!

Seriously in my opinion there is nothing better then ordering Pizza, having a beer and sitting on the back patio with friends.  Pretty soon 4 hours fly by and you dont even know how!  Cant wait for the camping trip to just relax and do nothing!

Random camera phone dump

Random night at the Svendsens where Camdyn and Carlea had a fashion show for us

This is how I found Cade one day.  Of course the marker didnt stop was on our dresser and TV.  Ugh, we have our hands full with this one. 


Yep, found him in here one day, with the door almost shut.  Hes nuts!

Surprise mothers day gift from Kyle.  Our friend Tim made it - its perfect!!

Silly Cade

Lunch and Lyrics at school

The curly ones!

The huge drink Kyle and I shared at Dozo...yum!!

Last day of school carnival

This carnival was perfect for the last day of school.  The kids had a blast!

So excited about his balloon hat!

Loving the slide

Cute hats!!

Grandma and Cam dancing to the band!!

Cam with her good friends, the triplets.  Ayla, Bode and Carter

Cade sinking the putt!

This year has seriously been one of the best years of the kids lives.  They have made so many new friends, they have learned so much and they have an entired binder full of art and memories to keep.  It has also been a great year for me, I have made so many great new friends whose children will now move on to Kahoa with Camdyn.  We debated for so long about which part of town to live in, where to send the kids for preschool, and when to make the switch.  It was a tough decision but after this year - it was probably one of the best decisions we have ever made.  Faith was a great school for the kids, and we are looking forward to Camdyn starting Kahoa in the fall.  She is definitely not a baby anymore :(! 

Camdyns Dance recital

This year I dont have the pictures like I did last year from Camdyns picture day.  I had to be out of town so luckily my friend Clare did her hair and makeup and took her to the pictures!!  It worked out perfectly - because there is no way Kyle could have done her hair and makeup!

Here are pictures from the day of her actual recital
Aunt Colie did her hair and makeup! 

On the ride to the Lied Center with Grandma

Me and Cam after the show!!

Spring Concert

Overall the spring concert went well...minus Howie biting Cade - and Cade bawling :) but after that fiasco it was all great!
Cade is huge, these kids are all his age, and clearly Cade is quite a bit taller!!

Miss Camdyn hiding!  There class did so great, knew every word!!

Very serious :)!

Girls night

So much fun!!!


Need I say more.  Napa is gorgeous!!

The cave we had a party in one night 

The vineyards


The pool

Entry to the cave

The cave walkway

James Arthurs with Jen

Enjoying our basket of goodies!

Classic wine glass shot!

Easter with the Bouwens'

Mr Big boy opening his gifts from Grandpa and Grandma and also Nicoles

Camdyn opening her gifts

She loved the hat!!

Cade loved the sunglasses.  He looks like a frat boy!

Showing great Grandpa and Grandma what they got!

Taking off!!


A little teeter tawter action!

Poor Lola.  She had no choice.

Loving the slide

Just hanging out!

Easter at the Andersons

Nothing is better then cousins!!!  Cade, Grace, Saige, Cam and Kael
One thing is for sure, these two will be so glad they have each other as they grow up

Another thing to point out.  Everyone thinks Cam looks exactly like me, but she must have a little Kyle in there somewhere because these two sure do resemble eachother!!

So close!


Lots of laughs during this modeling session :)!

Cade wanted to join in

Cade helping feed Conner

Aunt Ne and Cam looking for easter eggs

Just the orange ones Cade!

Only 5 months seperates these two...lucky!

Saige helping Cade out

Everyone checking all the goodies out

Granpda helping Cade

Cade and Great Grandpa

Dad and Cade

Grandma hanging out with Cade

Cade and aunt Ne