Saturday, February 25, 2012

beautiful baby shower - baby boy Dotson

I was at one of the best organized baby showers today, when it comes to gift opening.  Just had to pass it on.  Ashley sat in the head chair and her two sister in laws were in charge of the gifts and writing down what she got.  One would drag the gifts to her, ashley would open them throw all tissue, envelope or wrapping paper away, put the boxes and bags aside to save.  Then her sister in law would take the gift and stack it aside nicely.  All the while the other sister in law was writing the gifts down.  I was mostly impressed with the throwing all envelopes, tissue and wrap away.  I usually have a huge mess of those later.  When she left she had all her gifts organized and ready to load the car, the cards were stacked and the gift bags were stacked nicely.  Plus she had her list of gifts ready for thank yous.  Genius!!  Also Ashley looked gorgeous of course...but I didn't get a single picture :(.  Can't wait to meet the little guy!!  Good luck Ashley and Kris!

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Chase's Bday party

Camdyn and the birthday boy

Playing at Solid Rock Gymnastics

So much fun!

The kids eating the birthday cake!

Connor Clyde Wiig

My sister in law was seriously in labor the entire time she was at Camdyns birthday party.  She wins aunt of the year for that!! 

Connor Clyde Wiig was born at 10:30pm on 2/11/12
He was 9 lbs 7 oz and he was 6 days early...big boy!

 Proud uncle

Kyle introducing the new cousins

Mom introducing the new cousins...Connor better get ready to be tackled!

Awe!!  So much love!

She is going to be a great big cousin

The two of them will teach Connor so many naughty thing :)

Proud Auntie

Awe, Daddy :)

And this picture was supposed to be payback for the awful picture Shannon put on her facebook page of me.  But unfortunatly she actually looks good after having a baby.  So jealous!

Camdyns family birthday party

The family party was also a hit!  Camdyn loves getting to see everyone, and of course loved the Justin Bieber cake!!

All of her aunties!  Nicole, Cam, Renae and Shannon (Disclaimer:  Shannon gave birth, LITERALLY 2, yes, 2 hours later!!)

New jeans...which she needs because she is getting so tall!
Showing off her gift, next to her cousin Kael!

Showing off the blanket from great grandpa and grandma Zobel

Opening her diamond earings from Bobbi and Tim!!  LOVE

A closer look.  How amazing.  I dont even own a real pair of diamond earings...but my 5 year old does :)

Loves the umbrella...thanks aunt Colie!

Blowing out the candles

Bieber Fever!

Aunt Colie and Cade take a break to read his books

Camdyn with Barbie and Timmy (what she calls them - lets just say that Camdyn is obsessed with Tim!! - When I was asking her who she wanted to invite to her friend party the first people on the list were Bobbi and Tim...I explained that I meant 5 year olds...she said she didnt care, she would disinvite long as Timmy and Barbie with her wishes we invited them - and they came - to the adult party that is!!)

Aunt Ne



The traditional bottle water I always make

What is left of the food!

Camdyns Friend Birthday Party

I actually think that this party went quite well.  Considering we had 12 kids over all around age 5, they were all very good listeners and hilarious to watch.  My favorite part of the day was when I passed out their cupcakes, Chase made sure that we prayed.  He led the prayer, and I thought to Camdyn already has some great friends :).  Then when they sang happy birthday, they sang it the standard way - and then they sang it the "Gods Blessings" way.  It was adorable.  Most of these kids are from her pre-school, only two were not (Carlea is my friend Jens daughter, and Morgan is from Camdyns dance class from last year...her mom and I have become friends and our girls are friends now as well)

Here are all the kids...smiling.
Jaxon, Chase, Tavia, Emma L, Camdyn, Chase, Carlea, Ayla, Elizabeth, Bode, Morgan and Emma K

 Goofy Faces

Arms up!!

Painting on their picture frames (I will be mailing them a copy of the picture of the group, for their frame they decorated)

More painting


Chase being silly!

Smile!  Even the 35 year old in the back.  Thank goodness Jen was there...she was soooo much help!

The group again before present opening.

Chase, Cam and Tavia

Camdyn wanted to take a we got one of me with Chase and Tavia.  They are both so cute!

Camdyn and Carlea (yes Camdyn changed outfits!)

Camdyns 5th birthday

Right before she got her ears pierced!

The actual piercing...she didnt even cry...I was so proud of my big 5 year old!

Opening the gift from us before swimming lessons (seriously the swim suit is a 2T...WAY too small!!)

Just had to show a picture of how big Cade looks in his car hes on his way to a basketball tourney or something!

And back to miss big stuff herself :)!

Girls Night

Megs was in town so us girls got together for a couple drinks and some catching up! 

Bob and I

The group, Renee, Megs, Bob and me

So great to see everyone!!