Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Christmas Sweater Party

I should preface this post with the fact that I loved working at Fallbrook and leaving there was one of the toughest things I have ever done.  I have honestly never left a job I loved so much.  But I had to make some professional changes in my life, and so I took the plunge.  I have never felt so lucky to have fallen into a team that I love just as much - and have maintained my friendship with some of my favorite people at Fallbrook.  It really was one of the best decisions I have made.  My new team makes me laugh hard every day - and you are about to see a glimpse of that!!

Me, Scott and Jen (sweet sweaters girls)

Me, Hai (the intern, and precious one :), and Jen.
A little background.  When Jen first met him, she talked to him like he was a baby, and almost picked him up to snuggle him.  I almost DIED I was laughing so hard.  Hes hard to resist.  I should also throw it out there...he is 28.  It wasnt the end of the ridiculousness that is Jen.  She has since thought about tossing him up in the air like she is the mother to a 9 month old son.  And our VP rubbed his head like a 5 year old boy, and said "hey there fella".  Its hard to explain what gets over you, unless you meet Hai.

Love this face!  Really Hai!!

Hai apparantly cant make a normal smile...Atleast Amy and I can!

Me and Krista

This is where they won the big bucks!  Ann, Jesse and Robbi

Hai with the winning ticket

Everyone rubbing on Hai for goodluck!!

Seriously...this happened.  It looks like Hai is holding the golden ticket. 
Nate and Hai go round and round with who is the tougher one - Im not joking.  There has been mention of locking them up in the elevator and see who makes it out alive.  Ninja figurines were purchased for Christmas - with each of their names on one.  Its hilarious.
Im sure you are thinking...poor Hai, he is clearly not aware of his "cuteness" at age 28. But he is. The first time we all had lunch together he asked our boss for a high chair. Trust me, he is in on the joke.

Robbi and I.  It is so funny how Robbi really looked the part.  It was hard to tell if she was serious or joking!  Certain people at work, would honestly compliment her...ha ha!

The people who make going to work a blast every day.
Nate, me and Jen

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